Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 5.

This week, Discoverers designed satellites in Astronomy Quest, researched aerospace inventors in WW, and reached new milestones in Work Cycle. 


The Studio came together to learn about the third and final obstacle on the Hero’s Journey: victimhood. Learners identified ways victim mindset may appear in Work Cycle and throughout their day. In Socratic Discussion, Discovery Heroes brainstormed tools and strategies for overcoming victimhood to step into the role of creator and Hero. The week concluded with a badge ceremony, celebrating learners who reached milestones in Courage and Reading. 


In Week 5, Discovery Astronomers became inventors, engineers, and designers in the Build a Satellite challenge. Working in trios, learners crafted detailed sketches of satellites, accurately labeling scientific instruments, equipment, and power systems. Discoverers supported Fellow Travelers in calculating the weight and scientific value of their satellites based on the instrumentation incorporated into their design. On Tuesday, the Studio joined Explorers in an immersive planetarium experience. Learners journeyed through the Solar System with awe and excitement. 


Remaining on the theme of scientific innovation, writers in Discovery dove into a new research challenge focused on space inventors. Learners buzzed with excitement as they explored the scientists and engineers who created aerospace’s most notable inventions.

Next week, the Studio will showcase their hard work and learning at Session 6’s Exhibition of Learning. We can’t wait to see you there!