Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 4.

In Week 4, Discoverers continued working hard towards their goals in Work Cycle, Astronomy Quest, and Writers’ Workshop! 


Discovery learners participated in a morning launch on the power of support this week. When asked what support looks like in their community, one Hero noted that support is holding others accountable. A Fellow Traveler shared the sentiment, saying that sometimes supporting someone on their Hero’s Journey takes a tough-minded approach in the face of distraction obstacles. In Friday’s Work Cycle, the Studio was challenged to find an opportunity to lend their light by supporting those around them. 


Astronomers in Discovery had the chance to meet a Hero from the field this week! Alongside Explorers, Discoverers listened with intention and awe. Throughout Week 4, Discovery Astronomers explored our Solar System by creating scale models. Energy and focus peaked in a challenge to paint and recreate a 3D model of the Solar System with their Quest group. 


On Thursday, Discoverers wrapped up their second research report of the Session on Astronauts. Learners received peer reviews from Fellow Travelers before working on final drafts. 

We can’t wait to see what Discoverers do next in Session 6!