Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 2.

In Week 2, Discovery Heroes called upon their creativity, adaptability, and courage. The Studio came together to learn from failure and celebrate successes in Baking Quest, Writers’ Workshop, Art, and Work Cycle. 


Learners continued their forward momentum in Work Cycle to finish the year strong. During Socratic Discussion, Heroes learned about the neuroscience behind practice. Each member of the Studio identified one skill they wanted to improve on, or perhaps even master, before committing to practicing it throughout the Session. Learners also drafted guidelines for excellent work in Discovery and discussed what it looks and feels like to work hard within a community. 


Fellow Travelers from Explore Studio joined Discoverers to lead Baking Quest. Working in small groups, Heroes created recipes. After much brainstorming, collaborating, measuring, and mixing, learners were ready to bake. Each recipe will be bound together to create a Discovery Studio Cookbook. After this week’s Quest, the Studio enjoyed the fruits of their labor with a taste test of all the delicious treats! 


Collaboration between Discovery and Explore continued in Art. Together, learners took a deep dive into the history and culture of beadwork, one area of art the Studio is focusing on this Session. Heroes let their imagination reign throughout their artistic pursuits. 


Learners moved forward in creating their Year in Review books. Week 2 focused on relationships: friends, family, and other connections that made a meaningful impact this school year. Pages included an Ode to a Friend, a Letter to a Future Eagle, and a Haiku about the Studio. 


Have a great weekend! 

Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 1.

Discovery Heroes leaped into Session 7 with determination and energy. Learners launched Growing Curiosity Quest, started A Year in Review in Writers’ Workshop, and celebrated with a visit from Tiny Tails! 


Discoverers reflected on Session 6’s 360-degree survey, sharing feedback on the contract line, “I will respect myself and Fellow Travelers and their creations.” Third-year learners and Squad Leaders held meetings to discuss work ethic and strong habits. Heroes also utilized these meetings to describe the example they hope to set during Work Cycle. The Studio as a whole is focusing on setting challenging SMART goals for the final Session of the year. 


This Session, Explorers will join Discovery to lead Growing Curiosity Quest. This week, the Studio kicked it off with Art Quest! Heroes explored artistic concepts in drawing and painting, such as background, foreground, and subject. Learners also discussed color theory and considered the emotions they hoped to convey through their art. After detailed sketching, the Studio landed the week by painting their final pieces together.  


Discoverers continued to cultivate creativity in launching Session 7 Art. Heroes began making and creating a multitude of differing artworks. While some learners started by embroidering handkerchiefs, others made watercolor paintings. Works of art also included clay sculptures and beaded jewelry. 


Writers in Discovery began working on their Year in Review, a personal collection of remembrances and reflections from the school year. Week 1 concentrated on self. Learners reflected on their identity, their hobbies, and their Hero’s Journey. 

The Studio concluded the first week of Session 7 with a visit from Tiny Tails! Learners embraced the unique animal experience with joy and curiosity. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 6.

In Week 6, Discovery Heroes celebrated their hard work and creativity with an Exhibition of Learning! Along the way, they reflected on their growth as a Studio and as individuals on a Hero’s Journey. 


Discovery Learners focused on finishing strong in the final week of Work Cycle. Squad Leaders supported Fellow Travelers in setting and reflecting upon their SMART goals. Many Discoverers turned their attention to mastering Montessori Works at a standard of excellence; others poured energy into leveling up in their Work Cycle programs. As a whole, the Studio found flow and joy in pursuing their Session 6 goals. 


Discovery and Explore Heroes came together to present their work in Astronomy Quest. Learners displayed their 3D solar system models, satellite creations, sundials, and more! Exhibition guests accepted the invitation to explore the Studio’s work with curiosity and intention. Learners reflected on their greatest challenges and takeaways from Quest this session while sharing reflections with community members. 



Writers in Discovery showcased their research reports while allowing guests to dive deep into their drafting and editing process. Friends and family members gathered to read about Heroes from the Astronomy field, gleaning insight from research notes, first drafts, peer reviews, and final reports. 


Discoverers and Explorers worked hard this session to create and stage short skits. Learners collaborated to write scripts, tailor costumes, and design sets. Their prompt was simple: What problem do you see in the world, and how would you solve it? A myriad of ideas arose from the questions. Learners performed plays on protecting the environment, the meaning of friendship, and the importance of self-control. 

Discovery Heroes started Session 6 with a particular focus on Studio Culture. As a community, Heroes showed up for each other in moments of difficulty and celebrated collectively in moments of triumph. As always, we remain astonished at the effort and energy Discovery learners pour into their work and the strength of their tribe. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 5.

This week, Discoverers designed satellites in Astronomy Quest, researched aerospace inventors in WW, and reached new milestones in Work Cycle. 


The Studio came together to learn about the third and final obstacle on the Hero’s Journey: victimhood. Learners identified ways victim mindset may appear in Work Cycle and throughout their day. In Socratic Discussion, Discovery Heroes brainstormed tools and strategies for overcoming victimhood to step into the role of creator and Hero. The week concluded with a badge ceremony, celebrating learners who reached milestones in Courage and Reading. 


In Week 5, Discovery Astronomers became inventors, engineers, and designers in the Build a Satellite challenge. Working in trios, learners crafted detailed sketches of satellites, accurately labeling scientific instruments, equipment, and power systems. Discoverers supported Fellow Travelers in calculating the weight and scientific value of their satellites based on the instrumentation incorporated into their design. On Tuesday, the Studio joined Explorers in an immersive planetarium experience. Learners journeyed through the Solar System with awe and excitement. 


Remaining on the theme of scientific innovation, writers in Discovery dove into a new research challenge focused on space inventors. Learners buzzed with excitement as they explored the scientists and engineers who created aerospace’s most notable inventions.

Next week, the Studio will showcase their hard work and learning at Session 6’s Exhibition of Learning. We can’t wait to see you there! 

Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 4.

In Week 4, Discoverers continued working hard towards their goals in Work Cycle, Astronomy Quest, and Writers’ Workshop! 


Discovery learners participated in a morning launch on the power of support this week. When asked what support looks like in their community, one Hero noted that support is holding others accountable. A Fellow Traveler shared the sentiment, saying that sometimes supporting someone on their Hero’s Journey takes a tough-minded approach in the face of distraction obstacles. In Friday’s Work Cycle, the Studio was challenged to find an opportunity to lend their light by supporting those around them. 


Astronomers in Discovery had the chance to meet a Hero from the field this week! Alongside Explorers, Discoverers listened with intention and awe. Throughout Week 4, Discovery Astronomers explored our Solar System by creating scale models. Energy and focus peaked in a challenge to paint and recreate a 3D model of the Solar System with their Quest group. 


On Thursday, Discoverers wrapped up their second research report of the Session on Astronauts. Learners received peer reviews from Fellow Travelers before working on final drafts. 

We can’t wait to see what Discoverers do next in Session 6! 

Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 3.

In Week 3, Discovery Heroes explored big forces in Astronomy Quest, new tools in Work Cycle, and astronauts in Writers’ Workshop!


Discovery learners took a deep dive into the wide range of tools they use throughout the day. First, the Studio refreshed the tech guardrails. Learners shared their thoughts on each existing line and proposed new guardrails that felt relevant to their community. Discovery Heroes also received new focus boards this week and discussed the purpose the tool. 


This week in Quest, Discovery Astronomers learned about big forces in the Universe. Heroes learned about our planet’s tilt and orbit by modeling the Earth’s movement around the sun with a globe and flashlight. Learners experimented in creating an electrical circuits as they researched conductivity and magnetism. Finally, the Studio compared the effects of various weights on elastic fabric to understand gravity and the fabric of space. 


Discovery Writers began their second research project of the Session. The theme is astronauts! Learners eagerly searched for facts on moonwalkers, rocket pilots, and cosmonauts. Wonder and curiosity filled the yurt as the Studio discovered the intense training required to be an astronaut and read otherworldly accounts of Heroes in space. 

Just like that, we’re halfway through the Session. See you in the second half! 

Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 2.

This week, Discoverers dove deeper into Astronomy Quest and Writers’ Workshop while working together as a community to discuss obstacles on the Hero’s Journey. 


Learners in Discovery continued to work towards their goals in Math Power Hour. In Socratic Discussion, Heroes created posters with examples of what resistance and distraction might sound like in the studio. They also brainstormed tools and solutions to overcome each of these obstacles. 3rd-year learners continued the conversation on work ethic by creating action plans to finish the year strong. 


Discovery Astronomers explored galaxies, stars, and black holes in Quest this week. Through a series of 10-minute mysteries, learners raced to research the answer to space science’s biggest questions: How old is the oldest galaxy? How many stars are in the universe? What happens when you get too close to a black hole? Astronomers also worked to classify galaxies by shape and to sort stardust according to each element. 


Writers in Discovery reached the peer review stage of their first research report. Learners shared their findings on Astronomy Heroes and received warm and cool feedback from a Fellow Traveler. After this stage, many Discoverers began work on their final draft!

Week 2 brought great challenges and great rewards. As a tribe, Discovery Heroes remain committed to growing, learning, and working hard. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 1.

Spring has sprung in Discovery! As nature starts anew in the orchard at Ascent, learners blossom into a fresh start for the Session. 


Heroes were eager to resume work toward their goals after the break. Squad Leaders and 3rd-year learners held small group meetings to discuss practices of accountability and support in the Studio. As a whole, Discoverers have dedicated themselves to growing as mathematicians during Math Power Hour this Session. Learners pushed themselves to set challenging SMART goals and found flow throughout Work Cycle.


Discoverers transformed into Astronomers in Tuesday’s Quest launch with Explorers. Their Astronomy Quest journey began with a deep dive into the science behind solar and lunar eclipses. Then, the Studio worked together to recreate the constellations of the Southern Hemisphere night sky. On Friday, Heroes gathered to hear ancient star stories from different cultures and called upon their imagination to write their own creation myths.


Writers in Discovery began research for their first biography of the Session. To start, the Studio is delving into the life and work of Astronomers and Astrophysicists. Learners search for facts on the education and training of notable space scientists while collecting information on their scientific contributions and how they have or will change the world. 

Across the day, Discoverers remain committed to strengthening their community and deepening their connection with one another. In a reflection after a team-building game, one learner shared, “I’m proud of us for continuing to improve our culture.” When asked what growth areas were most noticeable, the Hero stated, “I see it mostly in our kindness, our accountability, and our support.”

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 6.

Heroes in Discovery brought energy, excitement, and determination into the final week of the session. The Studio celebrated their hard work with an Exhibition of Learning and an adventure to a cavern! 


Guests at Session 5’s Exhibition of Learning had the chance to experience one challenge from each week of Quest. Family and community members tried their hand at designing earthquake-resistant structures, creating salt dough fossils, making an aquifer, simulating a volcanic eruption, and mapping lava flow. Discoverers guided guests through their cave, a community creation crafted with diligence and attention to detail.


Discovery Heroes displayed courage and creativity in sharing their favorite short stories of the session. In small groups, learners read stories they wrote on friendship, animals, memorable vacations, and exciting locations.


Discovery learners became Geology Heroes through Quest this session. Like all Heroes on a journey, they answered the call to adventure! The Studio headed on an expedition alongside Explore learners to a nearby cavern. Heroes explored natural rock formations like stalagmites, stalactites, columns, limestone, and flowstone. Discoverers and Explorers alike marveled at massive sinkholes and breathtaking underwater chambers. 

Session 5 allowed Heroes to recommit to a culture of kindness, excellence, and effort. In Week 6, the Studio experienced the fruit of this labor as they supported one another in finishing strong. Cheers to Discovery! 

Discovery Year 5. Session 5 Week 5

Change is a constant in a learner-driven environment. Discovery learners reflected on the importance of their responsibilities within this community, directly influencing the freedoms they hold dear. This week, with a heightened awareness of the respect given to the space and their Fellow Travelers, Heroes in Discovery faced shifts with grace and courage. As they progress through this time of reflection, each day creates a new opportunity to focus on building the foundations for a culture of excellence. A culture that encompasses strong work habits, kindness, peer accountability, and respect for the learning environment that will ultimately lead to each Hero finding their calling.


Work Cycle looks and feels different from previous sessions. Discovery learners are raising the standards they hold themselves and their Fellow Travelers to when producing excellent work. Heroes reframed their approach to goal setting this week, focusing primarily on setting goals that push their limits and striving continuously to create space for growth.


What leads people to travel deep into a cave? Is it a thirst for knowledge? An appetite for adventure? Discovery Geologists went spelunking in this week’s Quest! The first step to exploring the mysteries of the underground world is to examine the rocks and minerals comprising it. After testing samples using the MOH’s hardness scale, Heroes were ready to begin designing and building their cave!


In Week 5, the Studio explored mentor texts like The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel. Using the themes found in each story as inspiration, learners challenged themselves to write short stories all about friendship!