Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 2.

This week, Discoverers dove deeper into Astronomy Quest and Writers’ Workshop while working together as a community to discuss obstacles on the Hero’s Journey. 


Learners in Discovery continued to work towards their goals in Math Power Hour. In Socratic Discussion, Heroes created posters with examples of what resistance and distraction might sound like in the studio. They also brainstormed tools and solutions to overcome each of these obstacles. 3rd-year learners continued the conversation on work ethic by creating action plans to finish the year strong. 


Discovery Astronomers explored galaxies, stars, and black holes in Quest this week. Through a series of 10-minute mysteries, learners raced to research the answer to space science’s biggest questions: How old is the oldest galaxy? How many stars are in the universe? What happens when you get too close to a black hole? Astronomers also worked to classify galaxies by shape and to sort stardust according to each element. 


Writers in Discovery reached the peer review stage of their first research report. Learners shared their findings on Astronomy Heroes and received warm and cool feedback from a Fellow Traveler. After this stage, many Discoverers began work on their final draft!

Week 2 brought great challenges and great rewards. As a tribe, Discovery Heroes remain committed to growing, learning, and working hard. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 6. Week 1.

Spring has sprung in Discovery! As nature starts anew in the orchard at Ascent, learners blossom into a fresh start for the Session. 


Heroes were eager to resume work toward their goals after the break. Squad Leaders and 3rd-year learners held small group meetings to discuss practices of accountability and support in the Studio. As a whole, Discoverers have dedicated themselves to growing as mathematicians during Math Power Hour this Session. Learners pushed themselves to set challenging SMART goals and found flow throughout Work Cycle.


Discoverers transformed into Astronomers in Tuesday’s Quest launch with Explorers. Their Astronomy Quest journey began with a deep dive into the science behind solar and lunar eclipses. Then, the Studio worked together to recreate the constellations of the Southern Hemisphere night sky. On Friday, Heroes gathered to hear ancient star stories from different cultures and called upon their imagination to write their own creation myths.


Writers in Discovery began research for their first biography of the Session. To start, the Studio is delving into the life and work of Astronomers and Astrophysicists. Learners search for facts on the education and training of notable space scientists while collecting information on their scientific contributions and how they have or will change the world. 

Across the day, Discoverers remain committed to strengthening their community and deepening their connection with one another. In a reflection after a team-building game, one learner shared, “I’m proud of us for continuing to improve our culture.” When asked what growth areas were most noticeable, the Hero stated, “I see it mostly in our kindness, our accountability, and our support.”

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 6.

Heroes in Discovery brought energy, excitement, and determination into the final week of the session. The Studio celebrated their hard work with an Exhibition of Learning and an adventure to a cavern! 


Guests at Session 5’s Exhibition of Learning had the chance to experience one challenge from each week of Quest. Family and community members tried their hand at designing earthquake-resistant structures, creating salt dough fossils, making an aquifer, simulating a volcanic eruption, and mapping lava flow. Discoverers guided guests through their cave, a community creation crafted with diligence and attention to detail.


Discovery Heroes displayed courage and creativity in sharing their favorite short stories of the session. In small groups, learners read stories they wrote on friendship, animals, memorable vacations, and exciting locations.


Discovery learners became Geology Heroes through Quest this session. Like all Heroes on a journey, they answered the call to adventure! The Studio headed on an expedition alongside Explore learners to a nearby cavern. Heroes explored natural rock formations like stalagmites, stalactites, columns, limestone, and flowstone. Discoverers and Explorers alike marveled at massive sinkholes and breathtaking underwater chambers. 

Session 5 allowed Heroes to recommit to a culture of kindness, excellence, and effort. In Week 6, the Studio experienced the fruit of this labor as they supported one another in finishing strong. Cheers to Discovery! 

Discovery Year 5. Session 5 Week 5

Change is a constant in a learner-driven environment. Discovery learners reflected on the importance of their responsibilities within this community, directly influencing the freedoms they hold dear. This week, with a heightened awareness of the respect given to the space and their Fellow Travelers, Heroes in Discovery faced shifts with grace and courage. As they progress through this time of reflection, each day creates a new opportunity to focus on building the foundations for a culture of excellence. A culture that encompasses strong work habits, kindness, peer accountability, and respect for the learning environment that will ultimately lead to each Hero finding their calling.


Work Cycle looks and feels different from previous sessions. Discovery learners are raising the standards they hold themselves and their Fellow Travelers to when producing excellent work. Heroes reframed their approach to goal setting this week, focusing primarily on setting goals that push their limits and striving continuously to create space for growth.


What leads people to travel deep into a cave? Is it a thirst for knowledge? An appetite for adventure? Discovery Geologists went spelunking in this week’s Quest! The first step to exploring the mysteries of the underground world is to examine the rocks and minerals comprising it. After testing samples using the MOH’s hardness scale, Heroes were ready to begin designing and building their cave!


In Week 5, the Studio explored mentor texts like The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel. Using the themes found in each story as inspiration, learners challenged themselves to write short stories all about friendship!

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 4

This week, Discoverers explored volcanic eruptions in Geology Quest and exciting settings in Writers’ Workshop. Keep reading to learn more! 


The Studio welcomed guests into the space during silent Work Cycle. The guests, learners from Explore and guides from Spark, were asked to observe the studio with fresh eyes. As Discoverers reflect on their culture and work ethic, they invite feedback from across campus. In a powerful morning launch, learners reflected on an essential question: Why am I here at Ascent? One Hero responded, “I am here to go forward. I’m motivated to work to move to a new environment.” Another learner shared, “I’m at Ascent for the freedom and the choice.”


Discovery Geologists investigated the science behind volcanoes in Week 4 of Quest. To start, Squads researched historical eruptions and fascinating facts about volcanoes. On Wednesday, Scientists in Discovery created volcanic eruptions using vinegar and baking soda. Beyond making a volcano, learners also explored how to map lava flow using a compass and graph. On Friday, the Studio received another opportunity to hear from a Hero in the Geology field before diving into a challenge to recreate the Earth’s molten core! 


Do you prefer to read stories set in an imaginary world or tales from an actual location on Earth? Is the answer the same when it comes to writing your own story? Short story writers in Discovery had the chance to ponder these questions and come to their conclusions. This week’s prompt challenged Heroes to craft stories with an exhilarating setting!

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 3.

This week, Discoverers brought ample energy and excitement into Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop! 


Learners in Discovery are sustaining their effort to create a more intentional and accountable Work Cycle. The cycle begins when a 10-minute timer appears. In these 10 minutes, Discoverers independently set goals before sharing them with a Squad Leader, who then offers feedback to challenge and strengthen each goal. As mentioned, the Studio reflected upon their Silent Work Cycle during Town Hall and voted to increase the length to 45 minutes. 


How do oil spills happen? What is fossil fuel? Did dinosaurs ever roam in Texas? Discoverers challenged themselves with these inquiries in Quest this week. After solving a fossil identification mystery and building a model of an oil well, emerging Geologists in Discovery had an epic opportunity to meet with a real Hero from the field! 


Discovery learners explored the difference between “showing” and “telling” in Writers’ Workshop. Heroes gathered around eagerly to hear an excerpt of Ronald Dahls’ The Twits, a story marked by its vivid and unique descriptive style. The Studio also had the chance to play charades; through the amusement, learners practiced describing emotions and portraying characters. This week’s prompt invited Discovery writers to share stories of memorable trips.

Week 3 allowed Discoverers to balance freedom and responsibility, challenges and rewards. We can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon in the second half of Session 5! 

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 2.


Learners tried out their first whole week of a Work Cycle that starts with a silent 30 minutes. Here’s what Heroes had to say about it during one-on-one reflection. One studio member shared, “It’s great, I love it! It makes me focus and calms my body, but it’s really hard when the silence ends and we transition back to regular Work Cycle. Sometimes I can’t find flow again.” Another learner commented, “I wish it were longer! It should be an hour!” 



This week in Quest, Discoverers became Hydrologists! The Studio explored streamflow, aquifers, groundwater and the story of Hydrology. On Tuesday, Discovery scientists experimented in the Spark Play sand pit. The experiment involved creating streams, sending objects down the water, recording travel times across three trials, and then taking the average. On Wednesday, Squads created aquifers in a jar by layering natural materials, simulating rainfall, and then withdrawing groundwater using syringes and plastic tubing.


Heroes began working on their first short stories of the Session in Writers’ Workshop. The Week 2 prompt challenged learners to draft a story about an animal and to include facts about the selected animal within their writing. The Studio also learned about Pixar’s story structure and the function of a preposition! 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Discovery Year 5. Session 5. Week 1.

Discoverers returned to campus with joy and purpose. From short stories to geology expeditions, here’s how the tribe set sail for Session 5. 


Whether spending time in the Montessori area, finding flow in a learning program, or getting lost in the world of a badge book, learners were eager to resume work towards their goals. Discovery Heroes are feeling the collective call to make changes in their Work Cycle, hoping to raise intentionality in the Studio. In Town Hall on Thursday, one studio member proposed the idea of a silent Work Cycle. Points were made in agreement and opposition to the proposal before taking a vote. The majority of the Studio voted in favor and plans to reflect on the effects of this shift at next week’s Town Hall. 


Wednesday marked the launch of Geology Quest! As Geologists on a rescue mission, learners will face a different impending geological disaster each week. Discovery scientists will work towards preventing the disaster through a series of squad challenges. The Week 1 challenge: design an earthquake-resistant structure for a community of artists living on the coast of Chile. To start, study the science behind earthquakes and tectonic plate movement. If the research is accurate and the experimentation is executed excellently, Discovery geologists will save the day. Stay tuned to see how each rescue mission turns out.


In the words of English novelist and short story writer Neil Gaiman, “Short stories are tiny windows into other worlds and other minds and other dreams. They are journeys you can make to the far side of the universe and be back in time for dinner.” Discovery Heroes are embarking upon the journey of writing their own short stories this session. This week, the Studio explored brainstorming tools to generate ideas while learning about plot mountains, the basic structure of a story. 

And just like that, the Session 5 adventure begins! 


Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 6.

Session 4 momentum peaked this week. Glimpse how Discovery Heroes landed their learning with passion and power. 


Do you prefer games of luck or games of skill? What makes a board game so great that you can’t stop playing? Can you identify which visual aspects of game design immediately catch your eye, draw you in, and spark your curiosity? At Session 4’s Exhibition of Learning, guests challenged themselves to answer these questions as they moved through the Board Game Expo. Sixteen excellent games were on display, all competing against one another to win votes in four distinct categories. The culmination of 6 weeks of energy, attention, and care was clear for all to see. Nice work, designers! 



Discovery poets summoned courage and creativity for the Writers’ Workshop portion of Exhibition. Learners shared the writing they felt most proud of from Session 4. Many displayed great eloquence through heartwarming odes; others harnessed sharp wit into humorous haikus. Writers’ Workshop is a consistently brave space where individuals are encouraged to share their inner world through written and spoken word. Discovery Heroes showcased this by extending an open mic invitation to their guests: hop in the line and try your hand at poetry (p.s. it’s harder than it looks!) 



Learners in Discovery set and reflect on personal SMART goals each day during the Work Cycle. In this session, the Studio began discussing how these daily aspirations can build upon one another, ultimately leading to long-term achievement. One Discoverer shared, “I’m motivated to set strong goals right now because I really want to earn my first badge.” Another Hero stated, “I guess I just want to grow my brain and get smarter.” Whatever the reason may be, it is clear that Heroes in the space are stepping into further autonomy. By taking complete control of their learning, young people can take control of their journey and, ultimately, their destiny.

We commend the Studio on their excellent work. We extend the utmost gratitude to all who support this space. Cheers to an epic session! 


Discovery Year 5. Session 4. Week 5.

Week 5 brought epic challenges and great rewards as the tribe blazed new trails in Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop. 


In Work Cycle, the Studio identified and explored avoidance. Through one-on-one check-ins, Discovery learners navigated the natural resistance that arises when working toward a goal. They were challenged to reflect on how this is showing up in their own Work Cycle and their goal-setting. Which programs are you avoiding? Which goals do you feel the most resistance to? Most importantly, what is it exactly about these areas of life and learning that feel so intimidating, boring, or confusing to you? The work for Discoverers now lies in abandoning a victim mindset and stepping fully into the role of a Hero who can overcome any adversity. 


Many Discovery designers are moving from the prototyping phase of game development into the playtesting phase, a time to gather valuable feedback from Fellow Travelers. In an exciting, energetic challenge, design pairs attempted to play a game they had never played before, with a twist, of course: try to play without reading the instructions. When reflecting on how it feels to play a game with no rules, one learner shared, “It’s super fun but also scary and kind of confusing.” This experience gave the game designers insight into the importance of creating clear guidelines for players. 


“An Ode to the Whole World.” “An Ode to My Mom.” “Ode to Bugs and Worms.” These are just a few of the pieces written by the Poets in Discovery this week. Learners are continuing their journey through different styles of poetry and landed on the ode in Week 5. This celebratory, and at times, sentimental genre allowed writers to dive deep into their own emotional and intellectual landscape while searching for the words to express what they feel within.

Only one question remains: who’s ready for Week 6?!