Discovery Year 6. Session 2. Week 1.

Learners launched Session 2 with energy and excitement. Here’s how the tribe started in Work Cycle, E-Ship Quest, and Writers’ Workshop! 


Discovery Heroes brought focus and motivation to pursuing their goals in Work Cycle. Learners held meetings with Fellow Travelers who were at a similar point in their badge plan progress. Discoverers shared what they hope to be their first or next badge of the year before making a plan and identifying their first step to earning the badge.


What is a need you see in the world? What is something you love to do? What are your natural gifts and talents? These are the essential questions Discoverers will be asking themselves in E-ship Quest! Throughout the session, learners will become entrepreneurs running their own businesses. In Week 1, Discoverers sailed through the challenges of Motivation Island, including business research, brainstorming and money based board games. 


This week, Discovery learners launched Letters to a Hero! In Session 2’s Writers’ Workshop, Discoverers will be researching a living hero before writing and sending a letter to them. Discovery writers will think carefully about stories from their own Hero’s Journey, ultimately deciding what is relevant to share with the Hero they choose. Discoverers will also work to craft thoughtful and unique questions to ask to get a letter back! 

Discovery Year 6. Session 1. Week 5.

This week, Discoverers focused on finishing Session 1 strong. Learners reflected on their growth as a community since the first days of school and prepared for Exhibition of Learning. 

Exhibition of Learning: Work Cycle 

Heroes welcomed Exhibition guests into the studio to glean insight into Discovery’s Work Cycle. Learners provided friends and family with an opportunity to explore their learning programs and badge plans. Parents leaned in to listen with curiosity as Discoverers shared their greatest challenges, proudest moments, and future goals in Work Cycle. 


Exhibition of Learning: Writers’ Workshop

Discoverers courageously shared final pieces from Session 1 Writers’ Workshop in a poetry-sharing circle at Exhibition. Learners recited haikus, nursery rhymes, and acrostic poetry before opening the floor to guests. Members of the audience received an invitation to write a haiku inspired by Ascent and its community. Brave guests read poems aloud and were met with laughter and warmth from the studio. 


Exhibition of Learning: Contract Signing

Session 1’s Exhibition concluded with a ceremony commemorating the creation and signing of Discovery’s Studio Contract. After a Session of brainstorming, testing, voting, reflecting, and editing, Heroes finalized an excellent contract in Week 5. On Friday, guests gathered to honor Discovery’s hard work and celebrate their commitment to the community. 


We can’t wait to see what’s next in Session 2! 

Discovery Year 6. Session 1. Week 4.

In Week 4, Discoverers developed rhythms in Work Cycle, created self-portraits in Art, and reflected on trust and safety during Socratic Discussions. 


Discovery Heroes strove for clarity and rigor in their daily SMART goal-setting practice this week. The Studio is starting to see the effects of their strong habits in Work Cycle. One learner reflected, “That was my most successful Work Cycle so far this year.” When asked what made it successful, the learner said, “The studio was quiet, and I actually got into flow. I finally exceeded my goal.”


Self-reflection is an important part of life in Discovery; however, this week, we mean that literally! Throughout Session 1, Discovery Artists have practiced techniques like shading and contouring. The culmination of this practice is using these skills to draw their faces and a still life recreation of a fruit plate. Heroes then displayed their final pieces to receive feedback from Fellow Travelers.


Discoverers partnered up to participate in the trust walk this week, in which one learner wears a blindfold while their partner is seeing. The goal of the trust walk is to lead your partner through the orchard safely. In a debrief afterward, Heroes connected to other aspects of studio life when they rely on others to navigate new territory and remain on course.

Discovery Year 6. Session 1. Week 3.

Just like that, we are halfway through Session 1! In Week 3, Discoverers focused on Writers’ Workshop, Town Hall, and a campus-wide challenge. 


Discovery Heroes launched Writers’ Workshop for the Session with one simple question: What is a poem? Working alongside their Squad members, learners explored poetry collections from the studio’s library to find five excellent examples of poems. Learners then got to work quickly with their own creative process, starting first with acrostic poems before challenging themselves to create a haiku. 


Early in the Session, Discoverers were introduced to Town Hall, a time set aside for solving problems and celebrating accomplishments as a community. This week, the Studio held its first official Town Hall of the year. Learners brought forth obstacles, ideas, and announcements surrounding Socratic discussions, studio materials, and more. 


Imagine this: the U.S. government is preparing to create a community on the moon. They’ve reached out to you with a clear call to action: research and design a cost-efficient capsule to send an astronaut to space. This week, Spark, Discovery, and Explore learners joined one another to heed the call. Heroes priced materials, created prototypes, and completed trials before coming together for the final launch on Friday afternoon. 

Discovery Year 6. Session 1. Week 2.

Discovery learners entered Week 2 with energy and determination. The Studio launched Art, elected Squad leaders, and completed the tech challenge.

As the world of online learning opened up in the studio, Heroes navigated the tech challenge, becoming equipped to accept the responsibilities that come alongside the great freedoms of internet use. Experienced Discoverers provided guidance and insight to new learners on using digital tools in Discovery. New learners courageously reached out for support. Ultimately, the Studio overcame obstacles to complete the challenge successfully.

In a series of tribe-uniting challenges, Discovery learners received a call to action to carry throughout the week: observe closely to see leaders emerge naturally. Heroes reflected alongside their Fellow Travelers to create Squad identities. Learners named the heroic traits they will strive to embody as a Squad this Session. Squad leaders were elected Friday and signed a contract committing to serve their Squad members.

Discovery learners launched Art for the Session: drawing! Heroes were challenged to create contour drawings of objects in the studio, their faces, and the faces of Fellow Travelers. The quiet sounds of pencils and giggles filled Discovery as the Studio found flow.

Discovery Year 6. Session 1. Week 1.

Discovery Heroes leaped into Week 1 with courage and curiosity. Here’s how the tribe set sail for their new adventure.


Discoverers launched the year with a simple yet powerful call to action: get to know your Fellow Travelers and begin to explore the studio. Learners heeded the call with excitement! It wasn’t long before Heroes began brainstorming strategies in the electric fence challenge, leaning into laughter with a game of telestrations, inspiring one another during Socratic discussion, and much more. 


The Studio showcased creativity and cooperation in this year’s lip dub challenge. Learners gathered close to watch excellent examples before diving into a planning and practicing process of their own. Heroes created a rubric by which to measure excellence for their video and reflected on each take as a community. To quote one learner providing feedback to a Fellow Traveler, “You really are getting better each time. It wasn’t great the first take but, I can totally tell you’re improving.” 

The Year 6 journey has only just begun!


Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 6.


Learners reflected on their greatest hope for themselves in Week 6. Throughout the past 7 Sessions, Discoverers have stretched themselves to set goals in their challenge zone and to strive for a standard of excellence in their work. If you walked through the studio this week, you’d hear Fellow Travelers supporting one another with a growth mindset. You could listen to the sound of Squad leaders equipping and empowering their Squad members. Early in the week, you might hear silence as the Studio found flow; later, you’d listen to celebratory cheers at the Badge Ceremony. 



In this week’s Quest, learners grew their curiosity by designing a challenge for a Fellow Traveler. Working in pairs, Heroes found topics that intrigued and excited them. Ideas ranged from video game design to dance to mythical creatures. Learners crafted a 10-minute launch for their partners before diving into the challenge with energy and focus. 


On Wednesday, the Ascent Community came together for Celebration of Heroes. As a campus, learners reflected together on an impactful and transformative year. Each Discovery learner received a carefully determined honor reflecting this year’s wins, failures, challenges, triumphs, and critical moments in their Hero’s Journey. 


This year, Discovery Heroes learned beautiful and, at times, hard truths about working within a community. As we reflect upon Year 5, there was no shortage of magical moments. 

Learners transformed DEAR by leaning in to listen with curiosity and wonder during impromptu read-alouds.

Discovery Heroes transformed ideas into realities at the Children’s Business Fair. 

Socratic Discussions transformed into magical moments with small group meetings in the morning. 

Thank you, Discovery community, for a powerful and hope-filled Year 5. Have a great summer, we’ll see you in September!

Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 5.

The week may have been short, but Discoverers made the most of it! Continue reading to learn about Work Cycle, Quest, and Art in Week 5. 


Learners in Discovery are charging full steam ahead in Work Cycle. Heroes have raised intentionality and focus as they work hard toward goals they hope to achieve by the end of the year. Squad leaders are taking the initiative to challenge and support squad members to use their remaining Work Cycle time effectively. 


Explorers joined Discoverers in Week 5 to lead Film Quest. Working in small teams, learners explored the process of creating a short film from start to finish. The week started with script writing and costume and prop design. This Quest challenged learners to rehearse and memorize their lines, all in preparation for filming day. Once filming concluded, the Studio celebrated their hard work and creativity with a viewing party at a closing group. 


Artists in Discovery continued progress on their art pieces this week. During Socratic Discussion, Heroes learned about an artist who is remaking flip books he first created as a child. The Studio reflected on and discussed the importance of revision and change when pursuing an artistic vision. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 4.

This week, Discovery learners participated in powerful Work Cycle launches, practiced creativity in Art, and designed one-of-a-kind 3-D models in Quest.  



The Studio showcased courage and vulnerability in Wednesday’s Work Cycle launch on failure. Heroes reflected on their inner voice and what it says when a failure occurs. In doing so, learners identified the voice of a fixed or victim mindset and brainstormed ideas for transforming thoughts into a growth mindset. Suggestions from Fellow Travelers during Socratic Discussions included, “I just haven’t reached my goal yet,” “I am still practicing my handwriting, and “I’m not the best at math, but I can work hard and improve.”


The Studio explored the animal kingdom in Week 4 of Growing Curiosity Quest. Learners from Explore challenged Discoverers to research an animal that sparked their interest and create a detailed sketch based on their findings. This was in preparation for the final challenge of Animal Quest: molding a clay animal. Discoverers displayed focus and attention to detail as they molded their creations to a standard of excellence.


In Socratic Discussion, Discoverers delved  into the process of watercolor painting. Learners considered the reasons why human beings feel called to paint and draw. To quote one Hero’s response, “Telling stories is a human need and art is a way of telling a story. 

Discovery Year 5. Session 7. Week 3.

Discovery Heroes acted with intention and imagination in Fashion Quest and Art. The Studio experienced a big win in Work Cycle and celebrated with a reward on Friday!


At the start of Math Power Hour, Discoverers faced a challenging yet achievable goal—learners aimed to attain 985 math skills collectively. When Session 6 ended, the milestone remained just out of reach. Heroes had to choose: end Math Power Hour and receive no reward for their hard work or challenge themselves to continue working and keep Math Power Hour on the schedule in Session 7. Discoverers decided to take their fate into their own hands. The Studio exceeded its initial goal this week and earned a Free day, a chance for each Hero to create their schedule and customize their day. 


Explore Heroes joined the Studio once again to lead Growing Curiosity Quest. Week 3’s focus was fashion! Discoverers learned about the complex sequence of mass-producing cotton shirts, the concept of sustainable clothing, and historical perspectives on fashion. Working in teams, this Quest challenged learners to design and create fashion collections. After choosing a theme, they crafted a few clothing items in the same style before photographing the final pieces. 


In Tuesday’s Art Launch, learners explored the works of Colombian sculptor Nano Lopez. After gaining insight into the intricacies of his creative process, Discovery Heroes expressed their surprise at how much time it takes Lopez to complete one piece. Learners also noted his attention to detail. The launch challenged learners to bring this same intention to their artisanship this Session. 

We can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon in the second half of Session 7!