Discovery Year 6. Session 5. Week 1.

Learners returned to campus with intention and momentum. Here’s how the Studio launched Quest, Art, and Work Cycle in Session 5. 


Discovers started the Session by forecasting what they hope to achieve by the end. On Monday, Heroes updated the Math Power Hour and Montessori Works tracking posters to reflect their accomplishments and highlight the work that remains on their Discovery journeys. The studio leaned into tools like focus boards and a silent Work Cycle to support the community in finding flow and focus. 


Food. Water. Shelter. Safety. Identity. These are the five basic needs that Discoverers will be investigating during Session 5’s Survivor Quest. Week 1 was all about food. From completing research on foraging in Texas to edible insects, Heroes explored the idea of nourishing yourself in a survival context. Learners also created humane mouse traps, practiced tying knots, and tried their hand at making fire!


The theme of environmentalism continued in Art. Artists in Discovers have taken on the role of natural sculptors. Week 1 creations included rock towers, stick structures, and more. Stay tuned to see what the Studio builds next!

Discovery Year 6. Session 4. Week 5.

In Week 5, Discoverers utilized creativity and collaboration in Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop. 


During Work Cycle, learners reflected upon what they hope to achieve in the final days of the Session. The Studio found flow in both Montessori and tech work. Explorers supported in reviewing completed Montessori challenges and providing feedback. At the end of the week, in SMART goal reflection, Discoverers shared triumphant moments of overcoming obstacles and experiences of pride in their work. 


In Quest, Heroes continued to walk along the checkered road, sharpening their notation skills in preparation for the final rounds of the tournament. Learners had the opportunity to play human chess, online chess, and traditional games on a board. This week, many Heroes received awards to place on their shields, honoring effort and improvement in their gameplay. 



Writers in Discovery started their final chess story, the story of the King and Queen!  This Session, the Studio’s focus trait is word choice. Learners kept this in mind while drafting and editing their stories and the stories of Fellow Travelers. As writers approach the end of the creative writing process, they prepare to share their stories aloud with the community.


The Studio has had an epic five weeks of curiosity, learning, and creativity; one more to go!

Discovery Year 6. Session 4. Week 4.

This week, Discovery learners displayed adaptability and initiative in the face of change in their studio. Continue reading to hear how Heroes found flow in Quest, Work Cycle, and Writers’ Workshop. 

Work Cycle

Discovery learners are working hard to complete Montessori math and languages with excellence in the Work Cycle. At this week’s badge ceremony, discoverers reflected on experiences of pride, collaborative work, intrinsic motivation, and overcoming challenges. One Hero shared, “I am most proud of myself for not giving up on my goal,” when asked what she was most proud of after earning her badge. 


Last Week, Discoverers and Explorers competed in the first round of their five-round chess tournament. They practiced proper tournament etiquette while playing against one another. This week, learners challenged themselves with online puzzles and retrograde analysis with a chess buddy. 

Writers’ Workshop

Learners finished writing their first fictional chess piece, The Story of the Pawn. In the process, they received peer critiques, added illustrations, and designed covers. They then bound their work using construction paper and colorful string. Discovery writers will base their next story on a different piece: the Knight! 

Discovery Year 6. Session 4. Week 2.

This week, Discoverers found flow and focus in Work Cycle, Art, and Quest. Here’s a glimpse into the Studio’s Week 2 experience. 


In Work Cycle, Heroes participated in a Socratic Discussion on the badge submission process in Discovery. Learners identified the most important parts of this process as completing challenges with excellence, documenting their work, and receiving feedback from Fellow Travelers. In Math Power Hour, learners challenged themselves to set a tougher goal than last week, and in the Montessori Work Cycle, many learners found flow in the challenge of selecting a new work. 


In Session 4, Explorers and Discoverers collaborate in both Art and P.D. In Art, learners are becoming songwriters! Last week, Heroes from both studios started creating lyrics for the song. This week, learners created egg shakers and began using digital tools to create backing instrumentals for their song. At the end of the week, Discovery and Explore musicians joined together to share their songs so far. 


This week, learners were introduced to a new tool in Chess Quest: chess clocks! Their first challenge was to play one 30-minute timed game of chess and compare the experience to an untimed game. Learners shared that their timed games felt more exciting and nerve-wracking. In Socratic Discussion, Heroes shared their thoughts on sacrifice in chess, fast thinking vs. slow thinking and the importance of rules in a game. 

Happy MLK Day, enjoy the weekend! 

Discovery Year 6. Session 4. Week 1.

Learners returned to campus after winter break with energy and intention. Here’s how the Studio kicked off Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop in Session 4. 


Learners displayed excitement and, naturally, some uncertainty for Math Power Hour and the Montessori Work Cycle on Monday. To set long-term goals for the Session in these two areas, learners first audited their Montessori progress and set benchmarks in their math programs. As a community, Heroes reflected on the experience of publicly tracking Montessori work and challenging themselves in math. 



What if you learned there was a way to increase your focus, strengthen your mathematical abilities, improve your memory, and elevate your time management skills? What if you learned that way by playing a game? Could you guess the game? If you said chess, you’re right! Ascent Heroes have set out to travel the checkered road in Session 4’s Chess Quest. In Week 1, learners memorized the names and abilities of each chess piece, practiced notating games, and played games! 



The Studio continued the chess story on Tuesday when launching Writers’ Workshop. This Session, Discovery authors will explore creative writing. To start, Heroes learned about the structural elements of a story and plot diagrams. During Socratic Discussion, the Studio collaborated to complete a plot diagram based on the prompt of bringing an inanimate object in the studio to life. After practicing together, Discoverers focused on drafting their first fiction piece: The Story of the Pawn. 

And the Session is only getting started!

Discovery Year 6. Session 3. Week 2.

In Week 2, Discoverers wrote pitches in Writers’ Workshop, practiced block printing in Art, and prepared for their naturalization tests in Citizenship Quest. 


In Writers’ Workshop, learners entered the Pitch-a-Pet drafting, editing, and revising phase. Writers in Discovery learned about the 3 types of rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. As the Studio created outlines and drafts of their pitches, Discoverers challenged themselves to incorporate all three types. Afterward, learners organized themselves into pairs to provide peer reviews.


Discovery Artists have tried their hand at a new form of art in Session 3: block printing! Working alongside Explore learners, Discoverers have experienced the process of creating a print. In Week 1, the Studio sketched out potential designs and practiced craving prints into potatoes. This week, the Studio carved their prints into rubber pads and used ink and handmade paper to create their final product. 


This week, in Citizenship Quest, Discoverers began their journey toward naturalization. On Monday, each learner drew the name of one country out of a jar. In doing so, they adopted the identity of an immigrant from that country seeking United States citizenship. Learners completed challenges this week, like memorizing the Pledge of Allegiance, creating skits based on the Bill of Rights, and labeling US maps with states and capitals. Next week, learners will take the naturalization test! 

The tribe came together to support one another through challenges and to celebrate success. Thank you for a powerful week, Discovery community!

Discovery Year 6. Session 3. Week 1.

Discovery learners brought energy, intention, and momentum to the first week of Session 3. Here’s how the Studio kicked off Work Cycle, Quest, and Writers’ Workshop. 


Learners were eager to resume working toward their big goals after the break. During SMART goal reflection, learners discussed their Work Cycle experience in Week 1. One learner shared, “I feel like I am getting a lot done and I think the new spot I chose to work in helps me get into flow.” Another Hero reflected, “I was feeling frustrated when my badge was denied, but today I got support, and I think I know what I need to improve on now.” 


What does it mean to be a good citizen? Have you ever wondered what Ellis Island was like in the late 19th century? How far back in your family tree can you trace? These questions represent just a couple of the ideas that learners will explore throughout Citizenship Quest! Heroes in Discovery started Session 3’s Quest by creating a timeline of immigration in the United States from 1820 to the present. On Friday, learners presented their findings to the community!


This Session in Writers’ Workshop, discoverers are pitching a studio pet! Writers in Discovery researched a pet of their choosing, started to write a persuasive pitch using their research, and will present their pitch to the community for a vote. Animals selected ranged from iguanas to blue whales to gerbils and many more. Week 1 was the prewriting stage, where learners brainstorm, fact-find, and organize their thoughts. 

We are so excited to see what is next for the Studio in Session 3!

Discovery Year 6. Session 2. Week 6.

Discovery learners landed Session 2 powerfully. The Studio showcased its hard work through reflection, celebration, and an Exhibition of Learning. 


Discovery and Explore entrepreneurs came together on Thursday to host an outdoor Trade Show. Learners presented the business ideas they developed throughout E-Ship Quest. Exhibition guests heard pitches, explored prototypes, and evaluated prices and profit margins. Learners competed to win categories such as Most Eco-Friendly Business, Best Branding, Most Original Business, and more!


Learners welcomed their guests into the studio to glean insight into this Session’s Writers’ Workshop: Letters to a Hero. Discovery Writers highlighted the changes between their first, second, and third drafts while sharing the peer critiques they received. Next, Discoverers participated in a Socratic Discussion for guests to observe, reflecting on why they chose their Hero and how they imagined their Hero might respond. 


This Session, learners were asked, “What could you accomplish in this Session in the Work Cycle that would make you feel proud of yourself?” Discoverers shared badge goals, learning program goals, and Montessori goals they hoped to achieve, as well as how their perception of their capabilities would expand once they achieved the goal. On Friday at Closing Group, Discoverers celebrated a Fellow Traveler earning their first badge. 

Have a restful fall break, Discovery community!

Discovery Year 6. Session 2. Week 5.

With Session 2’s Exhibition of Learning on the horizon, Discoverers focused on the future and prepared to finish strong. 


In Quest, Heroes sailed to Selling Island! Discovery entrepreneurs learned about the building blocks of a perfect pitch while analyzing examples of young people pitching their products and services. After drafting, learners rehearsed their pitches aloud and received warm and cool feedback from Fellow Travelers before coming together to elect an Exhibition Planning Committee. 


In Writers’ Workshop, learners moved forward in the writing process to begin editing. Working in small groups, Heroes participated in the Community of Editors. In these collaborative conversations, Discoverers become editors, each with a particular grammatical focus. Discoverers worked together to ensure each Hero received an excellent letter. 


In Art, Discovery learners found flow in the artistic process. Learners supported one another in managing time and overcoming obstacles in order to complete their canvas paintings. Artists in Discovery also expressed themselves in written form by creating an “All About the Artist” sheet, detailing their personal style and artistic influences. 

We can’t wait to see what’s next for Discovery! 

Discovery Year 6. Session 2. Week 4.

In Week 4, Discoverers collaborated in Work Cycle, learned about Unit Economics in E-Ship Quest, and met a guest Hero alongside Explore learners! 


Discovery learners reflected on the reasons they chose to work hard at school. In discussions, learners shared reasons such as “to gain knowledge,” “to experience accomplishment,” and “to be prepared for the world.” Discovers continued to set excellent goals in the challenge zone and concluded the week by sharing their proudest moment in Work Cycle. 


Discovery learners sailed to Unit Economics Island in E-Ship Quest this week! Entrepreneurs tackled challenges that supported them in identifying how to break even and how to earn a profit based on how much of their product or service they could produce in 1 day. Discovery learners also created pricing posters and practiced making change!


On Friday, Discoverers and Explorers gathered together to hear the story of a real Hero in the entrepreneurial field. Learners inquired about obstacles, allies, and transformation on the Hero’s Journey while heeding a call to action from the Hero on their business ideas: “Don’t wait until your idea is perfect to share it. Just get it out there.”