Year 2. Session 2. Week 3.
“What is the most challenging thing you have ever done that you are proud of?”
Session Two continued on with a renewed focus on intentionality as the Eagles discussed various times when they found themselves working in their challenge zones while at school. This theme cropped up throughout the week to bring attention back to intentionality during Core Skills, Quest, Writers’ Workshop and Art.
In art, the focus on excellence and intentionality continued as the Eagles began work on the mural. Stay tuned as the project continues to unfold!
Survivor Quest challenges in Week 3 focused on building shelter! The Eagles learned about various shelter types, their benefits and the science behind keeping them warm and cool. Take a look at the Eagles’ construction as the shelters progressed from primitive structures using minimal material to building various tents!
Next week, the Eagles will work to hone their First Aid and Orienteering skills as they begin planning their off-site exhibition while continuing to prepare their memoirs for publishing and sharing around the campfire! See you in Week 4!