Year 1. Session 6. Week 3

This week marked the halfway point through Session 6 and what a powerful week of learning it was!

To launch the week, Eagles watched a trailer from the movie Groundhog Day and discussed the following:

Some have said that our current experience can sometimes feel like Groundhog Day, the same thing over and over again.

What is the biggest risk in living with a Groundhog Day mentality? (Meaning that you give in to this idea that every day is the same and there’s nothing you can do about it)

  • You might lose progress on your badge plan.
  • Your heroic mindset might be replaced with a victim’s mindset. 
  • You could become less curious and/or creative.
  • Something else?

After discussing the risks of adopting this mindset, the Eagles were challenged to fight the Groundhog’s Day mentality. Each day this week we launched by looking to heroes to learn how their different outlooks on life, no matter the circumstances, could inspire us to do the same!

Here are some of the heroes Eagles learned from:

Jimmy Buffet (find the treasures in life)

Fred Rodgers (identify and understand your feelings) 

Thich Nhat Hanh (be present and find joy in everyday experiences)

Harriet Tubman (big dreams change the world)

This session the Discovery Studio has been celebrating effort in Core Skills with a leaderboard of Core Skills Champions- the Eagles who log the most time on Core Skills work each week. In Week 3, so much work was accomplished that the record set in Week 1 was broken!

Coach Alicia continues to host fun, engaging, and challenging PD Zoom calls! Last week she sent home a collection of popsicle sticks with different exercises on them. Eagles were challenged this week to keep their heart rates up by completing exercise circuits based on the random popsicle stick they pull! These exercises range from basic moves like sit-ups and push-ups to complex moves like frog jumps, bear crawls and burpees!

This week wrapped up the Personal Passions Quest! Eagles gathered all of their work together, including their photo documentation, and prepared it for the Exhibition in a few weeks! Final touches were put on impressive projects. Some goals were met, others were not, but the learning that came from self-discovery was powerful.

Creativity is flowing this session with Eagles continuing their technical drawing, their journal writing as historians, and their film performance with dojo Stream!

Their journaling prompts this week challenged them to, first notice the “treasures” they have found recently, and then to notice their own feelings and how their feelings influenced their choices.

The Eagles participating in the dojo Stream lessons are working towards the final goal of a recreated scene from The Nutcracker! Last week the choreography and performance groups collaborated while the set design and editing teams worked together on post-production ideas. Energy is high and they are working hard together!

Next week launches a new Quest!